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For the longest time people in the western world have commented on the "Quirky" nature of many/most Japaneese games and never really understood why people bought these games. The truth is that the Japaneese gaming industry has been heavily focused on unique gaming experiences for a very long time which was one of the reasons why the Arcades survived much longer in Japan, and one of the reasons why "Quirky" games have done so well. The PS3 and XBox 360 are not producing games which are dramatically different than what was produced on previous systems, and without the unique gaming experiences it is very difficult to attract the attention of the Japaneese gamer.

Big Budget Blockbusters will help, but they will (probably) only boost the PS3 to a level similar to how the Gamecube sold when you factor in the difference in industry size. In other words, the PS3 will (probably) outsell the Gamecube but the industry is so much larger that when you account for the difference the sales are going to be similar.