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Skeeuk said:
either way ps3 has the better games in 2008 and will be the same scenario in 2009

That's an opinion, not fact...  oh wait, we are on the Sony forum, sorry.  (mentions no 360 games and backs away...).

Parting comment though, sales for the PS3 given the current global economy issues and it's relatively high price are very good.  I think the inclusion of Wi-Fi and Blu-ray is both a blessing and a curse to the PS3; increased value vis-a-vis it's direct competitor, but too expensive to allow a price drop to really spur sales. 

Regadless, healthy competition in the HD market is all I care about; Sony and MS have to find profitable business models for HD consoles or we are possibly in danger of all going the way of the Wii.  Unlike others I don't hate on the  Wii but it's a different experience then is available on the PS3/360 and while I think it compliments those experiences, I wouldn't want it to completely replace it.  Damn am I enough off topic now?  Sorry.

Go PS3!  Lower your price soon so that I can justify the cost even though I have so little time to play any of the games I already have!