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codename64546 said:
Hyruken said:
I think some people are living in fantasy land with their PS3 predictions/hopes. If Wii music sold 42k on a console that has 7m consoles sold in Japan what makes you think LBP will see anything like 100k+ on a console that has sold just over 2m in Japan? LBP is a fun game but it is also a fiddley game that requires you to actually spend a lot of time being creative. The Japanese are up there with the best when it comes to designs but i can't see this game having the same appeal as say Gran Turismo or a RPG game like Final Fantasy would have.


because LBP is not Wii Music, my goodness...


and because sackboy can imitate a famous RPG character like Sephiroth or whoever. So that's +1.


Here's a hint: Japanese are simple minded people ^_^




 No they are not, i lived there for three years and if i learnt anything is that they are all far more intelligent then me and my western ways. The things they adore are not the things we adore. GTA is a massive success but yet does not appeal to Japan. Run and Gun does not appeal to Japan. Online gaming does not appeal to Japan. Sitting at your console for hours and hours and hours creating levels to play through yourself does not appeal to Japan. Look at the games that have sold the most there. Games that are either pick up and play with ease or games that are story driven. Games that are to do with culture and games that are to do with improving stats. The closest game in likeness to LBP i would say would be the lego series. All of which have failed to make any impact at all on that market. As i said living there for three years i know that a game that is about a character imitating other characters will not do well. That is Mario and Sonic country, that is Final Fantasy character style country. LBP is a game western media has hyped up so much that they assume such as you do that "it is LBP Japan will love it" simply because you like it. Wii music is a Wii game. Any Wii game right now prints money for Nintendo. Add to that fact it was made by the creator of Mario = $$$. The fact it isn't selling so well is not a normal Japanese trend. So i am willing to bet right now that little Big Planet will not sell 100k in Japan in it's first week. I cannot see them being drawn in by the fact you can change clothes on a character. That is no different to changing clothes on a barbie doll. Again that is western way of thinking not eastern.