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Worldwide PS3 sales beat Xbox 360 in Q2

The cool kids amongst you have already hopped down to the comments to start bragging/defending, so we know we're speaking exclusively to fact-loving nerds now. So be it. According to each company's own figures, sales of the PS3 beat the Xbox 360's in the second quarter of the fiscal year (July, August, September), moving 2.43 million and 2.2 million consoles respectively. That puts Sony at 16.84 million PS3s in the world compared to Microsoft's 24 22.5 million 360s.

Though we're proud of both Sony and Microsoft and think they both did a great job in the battle for second place, we're a little surprised to see the PS3 win out. Was it residual Metal Gear momentum? Halloween magic? Something else? Share your thoughts, hopes, fears and dreams after the break.

