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This is a reflection on both Sony and Bethesda. In this case I would say that they were both lacking to some degree.

Sony - They made an architectural choice so they have to live with the results, both good and bad. It was up to them to make the tools to bridge the gap, which they haven't done yet.

Bethesda - If you believe Shio, this game will sell more on the PC than consoles but in any case its primary platform is PC and it was up to them to ensure that the game is good on every platform they release on. But still they may not have had the resources to fully devote to the PS3, for example the Farcry 2 port took 3 programmers on the 360 and 14 on the PS3.

In spite of its flaws its still an excellent game, so really if the choices were Fallout 3 on PS3 (with flaws) or no fallout 3 on PS3 im sure the former is a better possibility especially if you don't want to hear about the two 90+ WRPG exclusives released towards the end of 08 which pwn exclusively on the 360.
