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Wow; this discussion has certainly taken a turn into deep waters.

I certainly respect both sides of the civilian vs. military argument wholeheartedly. My own wife has odds with military ideals, yet respects the fact that I am joining the military, and the fact that my father is a 27 year veteran of the Navy, retired HMCM from Lejeune, July '08.

I'm joining to proudly serve my country and support my family. I have had/still have many family members who serve in the military and all who have joined have done so to either serve the country, or support family.

The military, just like any other profession, has corrupt individuals inside who commit to immoral and unethical practices, yet you hear about the military's more often that not because of the state of the world currently. Why should we hold it against them?

The military of the U.S. is a volunteer force, meaning each and every individual who joined did so because they wanted to. If you are going to disagree with their actions, take it up with the politicans who make the decisions to go into war or not, but please don't disrespect those who stick their neck out for you in this world.

You have to admit; you may not like the fact that we are at war with Iraq, but have we been attacked again since 9/11? Certainly not. I can rest well knowing that my fellow servicemen and women are out there doing their jobs to try their best to protect the 300+ million people of the US, which I will be doing soon as well. I think anyone living in this country, whether they support war or not, should support the military that fight and die so that we may live the lives we live each and every day.