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If the demo is just the beginning of what TR:U is, it's by far the best Tomb Raider in history.

Graphics are just insane. A lot of people are comparing it to Uncharted. I can't argue that since I never played Uncharted, but it's about the best darn game I've ever seen. The field of depth is ungodly, and the scenery is stunning.

The enivronments are top-notch. Combat is polished. Platforming is awesome. Lara has a ton of new moves that make your trips in the jungles even more insane than they already were.

Unless this game does something crazy and dumb halfway through, it'll earn easy 85% from every magazine, if not hit the 90's in some.

Best Tomb Raider ever, based on the demo. And that comes from my die-hard TR fiancee. She was absolutely stunned at how incredible the demo is (she owns every single Tomb Raider, and demo disc of TR ever made).

If you enjoyed Uncharted, liked Tomb Raider, like platformers, or are a graphics nut, the Tomb Raider: Underworld demo is required-viewing, if only for the graphics.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.