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akuma587 said:

People are people.  Whatever they are doing they aren't perfect.  That doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means that I don't give people in any walk of life unconditional praise.  Politicians are dishonest, poor people are dishonest, rich people are dishonest, and people in the military are also dishonest.  All of those people can do great things, but all of them are also human.

And rape rates are ludicrously high in the military, which several people I know in the military have told me themselves.  Look at any statistics on the issue too.  Facts are facts.  Do I hold it against the military?  No, they are just people and the military can be pretty stressful.  Does that make it right?  No. 

The person in the military who I know best told me one day about his friend who fell asleep while he was on his mounted vehicle turret and some villagers in Iraq were having a festival.  He woke up and was startled when he saw all the lights and some fires and thought there was an attack.  He shot and killed a ton of innocent women and children.  Should I just ignore that stuff like that happens?  The military is far from perfect because it is made up of people.

I understand that mistakes happen in war time, and sometimes what seemed like good judgment at the time was horrible judgment afterwards.  The military is a noble profession, but I definitely do not view the military as infallible.  But why should I view the military as infallible?  Should I just slap a yellow ribbon on my car and bleat out "Support the troops!" like the rest of the sheep I know?  No human institution should ever be treated as if it is infallible.


That's a lot of typing to tell me you don't like our military. Kind of a waste of time, as I already know that.

Rape is high because of the conditions you put people in. Take men and woman ages 18-22 and throw them in tight quarters. Feed them, and train them to be aggressive, and you have conditions that will raise the rate of all kinds of crimes.

I would venture to guess that if you took random people off the streets, and subjected them to the same treatment, Rapes and other crimes would be even higher.

As for your friend, I would guess he is not being completely truthful. He probably hard from a guy, who heard from a guy....

Yes, things happen that are bad. People are people. War is hell. When you look throughout history at how wars have been fought (even by America in past wars), and then look at how this war is being fought, you would be crazy to not see how incredibly moral our troops are in comparison to current and past fighting forces.

And sorry if it pisses me off a little, but for you not to take the option to serve your country, and to then ridicule the people who have...

You ought to be ashamed of yourself... I know I am.