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RCTjunkie said:
akuma587 said:
steven787 said:
Ants live in colonies, where all but the queen and her suitors are treated equally and only do mindless work. If one isn't pulling their weight from illness, they move them outside of the anthill. The royal retinue indulges in sex and eating the fruits of the colonies labor all day.

That actually sounds like America to me.



Americans are NOT treated equally. The problem is that people aren't pulling their weight not from illness, but laziness. The "Royal" actually had to earn their way to the top by having great ideas instead of being born in the Royal family.

This actually sounds more like China to me.



It sounds like an ant colony to me.

I think we try way too hard to simplify the real world, finding parables and metaphors for everything.  When the parable or metaphor makes sense, stupid people knod their heads and think or say, "Well, the story makes sense and made me chuckle, so what ever it seems similar to must be equally simple and right."


The world is complex, the labels we use (sometimes called words) have many meanings and situations sometimes do not have the perfect words to convey the idea accurately.  But the intelligent pragmatist says, "we do the best we can with what we have and we look at things individually and independently."

So instead of answer with another parable or metaphor, I will say, "open your eyes, look at things as they really are, read and listen to the experts in the field (not the pundits, the experts), ask what would be best for your health and happiness, and then vote."  Maybe it will be Obama, maybe it will be McCain.


Human Resources experts on Healthcare

Military  (quoted from Foxnews): "A senior Pentagon official said an Obama swearing-in "will give the Arab street the final victory, the best optics, and the ultimate in bragging rights. They win. We lose."  I'm trying to figure out if he meant because his name sounds muslim or because he is brown.  A victory for "the Arab street"? I thought the average Arab on the street was our friend, the Fundamentalist terrorists are the enemy.  Therefore, a victory for the Arab street is a victory for us, I count this as an endorsement.


I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.