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akuma587 said:
TheRealMafoo said:

Yes, I worked for the military for 7 years. Of the thousands of the enlisted, and officers, I have met, I can say they were outstanding individuals.

I worked for the JEOD for a year (Join Explosives Ordinance Devision), The militaries version of the bomb squad, and I can say these people are a breed of human you will never understand.

They put there life in harms way for others during war and peace. They are not to be mocked, and people you should be proud to call fellow countrymen.

I have seen videos of collar bombs going off while a soldier tries to save the life of the person who's neck it's around. The success rate on removing a collar bomb is zero. It's never been done. All of them know this. Yet when they get the call to attempt to remove one, they go. They signed up to save peoples lives, and it's worth getting there hands blown off while watching a victim's head vaporize, for the minute chance that this time, they might save that persons life.

Your a kid who just goes to school, so you wouldn't have a fucking clue what I am talking about.


Ahhh, now you hurt my feelings.  Then tell me why are rape rates so insanely high for women in the military?  That part of standard training too?

The military does plenty of great things, but they are people like anyone else.  I think it is very noble to fight for your country, but I also think that fighting is rarely the best solution.  Like I said, I have nothing personal against the military, and I think it is a noble cause, but not everyone in the military is an honest person, just like how not everyone on the street is an honest person.


So far, you have said nothing about how proud you are of our military. You have said how they rape more then the average person, and join just to shoot people. But then say you have nothing against the military.

I am guessing you probably think the wold is more evil because we are in it. I have seen classified videos, and material about the world we live in, and I promise you, we are not the bad guys.

You live in a country with the finest military ever assembled, with the more moral collection of soldiers ever to serve, and yet all you can muster to do is insult them.
