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FishyJoe said:

Has anyone who has criticized Nintendo for not vigorously pursuing the hardcore gaming audience stopped to think what would happen if they actually did that?

Maybe it would make certain fanboyss happier, but it would also further sub-divide the market creating less opportunity for the PS3 and 360. Is this what people really want? Three systems all competing for the same limited audience? That seems like a recipe for financial disaster.


Nintendo haven't really changed their Gamecube strategy that much regarding "hardcore" gamers. It's just that they are now pursuing the expanded market as well. The company has expanded itself. They have more money so they can have more staff to produce all those games. I think Nintendo fanboys are angry because they're not the center of attention anymore like the elder kid that get jealous when he/she gets a brother or sister.

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...