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akuma587 said:
RCTjunkie said:

Those family members were the ones who decided not to participate in building the winter homes, so the Government with common sense told them that they couldn't have any money for sitting around.

Survival of the fittest, or in this case, hard-workers.


Because people are just animals and we shouldn't at all be concerned when they die, especially if they are poor.  I mean what is a human life worth right?  We get rid of a bunch of them in Iraq everyday!


1. Technically we are all animals, and if so, why should humans be more importaint then other animals. Because we evoled more? If you, however, are not an Atheist, please continue.

2. The poor got that way because they did not try in life. If they tried, everything would be hunkey dorey for them.

3. The government would FORCE people to give to the poor, and keep 50% of the cash to themselves, while if people willingly gave to a church, it would be a more meaningful gift and >90% would go to the poor.

4. How can you be pro-choice with that sarcastic remark?

5. I agree, Iraq wasn't handled in the best mannor, but death rates have gone down significantly, the country has stablized so much since we started, and we should wait for a solid victory before we pull out too fast. Can you honestly say Iraq was better off under Saddam? Now they control their own future and have a democracy...

6.Are you pro Russia? That does not work for anyone. Was East Germany better off then the west...are the people of North Korea better off than those in the south?  How many examples do you need?

Conclusion: Socialism is a proven failure - just open a history book. Even one written by the left can't hide the truth. Now with Barack, we are headed for the same failure repeated over and over through history. The greater good is capitalism, hands down. It is just the truth proven again and again.