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I have been reading the posts about LBP, and so far, I'm honestly sick of all the false pessimists out there who are calling LBP a flop. You have to remember that this isn't even the official release date yet, and that very few retailers have begun to sell their copies. Just because a few retailers in your tiny little bubble of the country, world, state, province, planet, star, galaxy, universe, constellation, pothole, etc. is selling LBP does not mean every other one is. Using such anecdotal evidence is simply and astoundingly absurd, especially for a community as wonderfully diverse, intelligent, well-mannered, influential, and diligent as this. Absurd, absurd, absurd. Selling ~163k copies with such a limited release is absolutely insane, and following the logic of preorder sales only and the trend of games such as Too Human getting 850k preorders and flopping, LBP has sold massively. There are many other reasons for this as well, such as the fact that LBP appeals to a massive audience far greater than the Wii's or the 360's, none of which havehad any gameplay as remotely original and diverse as LBP's. Super Mario Galaxy? Worthless Super Mario 64 in space with better graphics. Halo 3? I can shoot the shit out of aliens in Doom. Bioshock? System Shock. What a shock! Metroid Prime 3? Halo played by a monkey as they will make the game very explorational. Super Smash Bros. Brawl? Super Mario Bros. with VERY limited stages and a few extra moves and crappy physics. Boring, boring, boring. LBP offers gameplay far more original than anything ever known to mankind, alienkind, stem cell kind, washimul kind, ioi kind, MontanaHatchet kind, RollyPollyStoppable-bolly kind, Jesus kind, Hot Coffee kind, Brawl4Life kind, emo Valkyria whateverthefuckbarbequesausages kind, or whatever bullcraptastic crap you want to bull out of your craptastic crap buller. This topic is another joke. I am testing reading comprehension like before. The platforming is absolutely positively catfaggotistically better than SMB to the point where it's absurd. It's so good that it twists positives into negatives and reviewers can't comprehend the greatness and give it a score lower than 10. The physics are awesome, the graphics are unmatchable and show the true power of the Cell Broadband Engine that has tons of SPU things that are each twelve times as powerful as the Wii. If you look at the screenshots, you can see that one of Sackboy/Girl/Pedophile/Transvestite's threads has more polygons than Super Mario Galaxy. The PS3 is approximately 240,000x more powerful than Wii; developers just haven't grasped it yet. And you people are all telling us LBP humpers that 164k is bad for a limited release? Get real. Based on my factually statistical calculations made with a calculator, LBP sales will octuple the next week, and double the week after and continue to increase in sales for its entire lifetime as developers comprehend the power of the PS3 and start to upgrade it using mental transfigurationisticmigrationalism techniques that allow them to upgrade games with their imagination at any given time and give them more polygons. I'm sorry, Ninty and Micro fanboys/girls/pedophiles/transvestites, but LBP will crush your sappy little consoles into the ground, boil them, dice them, blend them in a blender, drink them, digest them in gastric acid, defecate them in a toilet full of listerine and sulfur-rich urine of yellowy goodness, flush you down into a dirty sewer that will shred you up with filters, antihistamines, ibuprofen, and other long word chemicals, deposit you into the ocean where sharks will each you, and then the sharks will get capured and be used to make food so you can be digested again in a neverending cycle of pain until your consoles become sub-sub-sub-subway-pico-nanotomic particles times the power of the Cell which is incomprehensible.


¯¯¯¯¯¯My anti-drug™