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All it has to do is sell 100k to be worth the porting money, it has pretty much already done that. Anything much past 100k is just gravy.

BTW it sold a total of 250k on the 360, so its not even off the table for the PS3 version to sell better in the end. It's not like Eternal Sonata was any kind of chart buster. After only a few weeks in Japan it's less then 30k behind the 360 release.

My honest guess, this ends at around 150-200k between Japan and NA total. A bit less then the 360 version but for a ported game, 60-80% of the sales of the first release isn't bad at all.

If this was released on both at the same time I don't think there's any argument to be made, the PS3 version would have sold better easily. The same is true about just about any JRPG, the base is just heavily in Sony's favor over in the land of the Rising sun.

As to Bioshock, I think the PC release is a mitigating factor as well. A lot of people who didn't want it on 360 had the PC version to go to. It's not like it was 360 or nothing like Eternal Sonata and one or two other truly exclusive 360 games (I can't think of any other good 360 only games off the top of my head, usually only the stinkers stay 360 only and the rest get ported. I'd say Halo 3 but given that Halo 1 and 2 were ported....ditto for Fable 2 and Gears 2, almost guaranteed PC ports).

 PSN ID: ChosenOne feel free to add me