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ZenfoldorVGI said:
naznatips said:
Well I think it's a valid point that most of our reviewers in this industry are barely above the "hardcore teenagers" in maturity, if at all. The are 99% 20-30 year old males who review more on what they want to see do well than on a solid platform of critical theory.


They are people too, lol. I'm pretty much just like what you described, to be honest...but man, Braid is a good game.

I think we all know where I stand on the subject of reviewers. Reviews, by nature, will always differ. That's a given considering the nature of humanity and its likes/dislikes.

But it's hard to argue that video game reviewers, by and large, are little more than frothing fanboys. All you have to do is look at the average review and its comments like "oscar worthy dialogue" or "engaging story" and you want to vomit.

I seriously question how many of these people have actively studied anything past videogames their entire lives. Not to sound elitist - which I'm sure I am right now - but it's hard to respect a reviewer of anything if you question whether they've ever analyzed a Kubrick film, broken down a Dickens novel, or studied a Munch painting for more than a few moments.

You're not going to give a mature review of any piece of art or media if you don't have a solid frame of reference to compare and contrast it to competing media. Reviewing in a vacuum is worthless; nay, it's worse than that. Some people take a reviewer's word as being professional and rounded when in 90+% of game reviews, they are anything but.

It's sad, really. Not all reviewers are this way (Yahtzee is a great example) but I question the intelligence and maturity of most reviews I read past the pure technical aspects of a game.

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