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akuma587 said:
Of course realmafoo wouldn't actually respond to my post...

lol, when have I shied away from a post?

Yes, when the government spends money not to protect you, it infringes on your rights. Glad we both agree. I am very much against the War in Iraq. We never should have gone in. I am not for the US policing the world. Never have been.

But we are, by far, the most powerful country in the world and we don't expand. When in history has a country not used there power to get bigger? Never.

We spend billions developing and deploying smart weapons. Weapons that can take out a building and leave everything around it intact. We do this because countries we are at war with like to put military targets next to school children and hospitals. When they do that WE do what we can not to destroy them, yet we are the evil ones. No other county in the world would give a shit. They would just bomb the hell out of the area. 

When we do attack unprovoked (a bad thing), we end up leaving the place better then we entered it. We are trying to do that in Iraq, but some want us to just leave. Fuck the people there. That doesn't sound very compassionate coming from the party that's supposed to be all about compassion.

But what in this thread is about us spending money? It's about removing North Korea from out terrorist list. You say it like they are not longer a country of evil. To you, that title seems to belong to us exclusively.