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Ace Combat 6

GameRankings Aggreggate Score: 81.6% (Good)

Why You'll Like It: It's the best Ace Combat game to date. If your a fan of arcade flight games, the Ace Combat series has been the cream of the crop for some time. The game is absolutely glorious on the X360. Yes, those are in-game shots. The in-HUD shots are just as beautiful. Certainly a must-have for flight enthusiasts, as it boasts online multiplayer, tons of missions and is overall good.

Why You May Not Want It: The weakness is that it is an arcade flight sim. It's absolutely unrealilistic in both good and bad ways, as it puts you in non-sensical situations. Scamco also nickle and dimes gamers thanks to add-on DLC for new planes.

Official IGN Review (8.4)



GameRankings Aggreggate Score: 95.3% (Masterpiece)

Why You'll Like It: It's perfect in almost every way, for a FPS game. The story is awesome, the graphics are gorgeous (even for a 2007 title), and it hits everything an FPS needs to, perfectly. It incorporates RPG-style elements such as upgrades into the lineup, making it a must-have title.

Why You May Not Want It: No multiplayer. That's just about it. 20-esque hours of bliss, but it's not the most repetitive game ever made.

Official IGN Review (9.7)


Blue Dragon

GameRankings Aggreggate Score: 77.6% (Good)

Why You'll Like It: Mistwalkers first entry on the X360 was a fantastic JRPG with some of the most solid production values this generation. It features a great, strategic battle system, useful job classes, 60+ hours of gameplay, and an overall solid production for a JRPG. Oh, and the music is some of Uematsu's best work this decade. Fans of Dragon Quest VIII will certainly love this turn based wonder.

*Not everyone agrees with this game* but I HIGHLY reccomend it if you were like me, and grew up during the golden SNES JRPG years, as it's very faithful to the classics.

Why You May Not Want It: The downside is also it's upside: It's very by-the-books. If you do not like turn based JRPGs, you won't like this one, either. The story drags at times, and may be boring due to the structure of the game. US voice acting is annoying at times, since the lead guy, Shu, sounds like a moron.

Official IGN Review (7.9)


Bomberman Live

GameRankings Aggreggate Score: 85.5% (Very Good)

Why You'll Like It: One of the most addictive, 'fun' 4-player party games available on XBLA. Hailed by Bomberman fans as one of the best. Has a decent bit of arenas, and game modes available. A must-buy if you like 4 player party games.

Why You May Not Want It: Not everyone enjoys the 'blow-em-up' antics involved in a Bomberman game. Since it's an XBLA game, your getting what you pay for in a $9.99 game, so it's not going to be the most robust experience in history.

Official IGN Review (8.4)



GameRankings Aggreggate Score: 92.3% (Near-Perfect)

Why You'll Like It: Braid features some of the best 2d platforming in the past decade. Using the ability to time travel backwards, to re-do jumps, and solve puzzles adds a huge, deep level of complexity to an otherwise great platformer. The graphics are lush, and handrawn, and features a deep storyline involving the 'hero' Tim. A must-have for platforming fans.

Why You May Not Like It: It's short....Around the length of an older 2d platformer such as the Mario series. The game can be completed in under 10hrs with all puzzles solved, and doesn't offer much replayability once you find the stars. No multiplayer/leaderboard functionality.

Official IGN Review (8.8)


Burnout Paradise & Revenge

GameRankings Aggreggate Score: 88.6% (Paradise), 88.5% (Revenge)

Why You'll Like It: Burnout features some of the best arcade-style Western racing available, through incredible crashing, gorgeous visuals, and competent physics. Both of the said games are very different in style: Paradise involves open-world racing similar to Test Drive Unlimited, or many of the Need for Speed titles (MW and Carbon). Revenge is level-based, as you attempt to rack up points for causing destruction. Both games are cream of the crop thanks to the destruction to be had whever you go. Paradise recieved major post-release upgrades, and is very beefy in terms of content.

Why You May Not Like It: Primary weaknesses lie in the fact it's still an arcade racer, so not everything is going to react properly. Revenge is level based, so you are held in the constraints of causing destruction in specific levels (therefore it's rather short), and Paradise is open-world, so it may feel like a NFS clone in some respects.

Official IGN Review for Paradise (8.8)

Official IGN Review for Revenge (8.9)


Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

GameRankings Aggreggate Score: 94.1% (Masterpiece)

Why You'll Like It: Call of Duty 4 is the best (or at worst, tied with Halo 3) first person shooter available on the market for the 360, if not on any console. The single player game is exceptional, featuring the insane mantra of what CoD games personify (being a smaller part of a greater conflict). It also boasts the best online & offline multiplayer components of any available FPS title on the X360, even trumping Halo 3 in many areas. Any shooter fan needs to play Call of Duty 4 at least once, as it's the best game of one of the best series available.

Why You May Not Like It: The downside to such a superb game is that the single player campaign is relatively short, as most Call of Duty games are. You can expect to beat the SP in 10-12hrs, depending on skill level.

Official IGN Review (9.4)

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.