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TheRealMafoo said:
steven787 said:
He could not have answered that any better. For better or worse (I say better) he is one of the coolest heads I have ever seen. His measured responses should be the subject of a public speaking and communications class.


But when your calm and collected in front of a bunch of kindergartners when you find out about 9/11, your just an idiot.


Actually, I thought Bush was doing a great, yes GREAT, job from 9-11 till about June 2002 when all the talk switched to Iraq.  He's actually not as stupid as I joke, he was listening to the wrong people.  Cheney had been dying to go to Iraq since 96.  Rumsfeld wanted to send as small as a force possible.  Ashcroft wanted to eliminate freedom.  Instead of listening to the non-partisan Military and CIA officials (both civilian and uniformed), he was listening to people who he agreed with.  Then he let the partisan appointees start firing, demoting, or blacklisting anyone who didn't agree over any detail.  Then he began lying to the american people, and what did the British government do?  They joined in on the lies.  Congress, both republicans and democrats, believed him.  We say now, how can they not ask more questions?  But when the POTUS tells congress something, it should be the truth.  Lie to the population all you want, but Congress shouldn't be subject to making decisions with out accurate information.  The actions that followed are why I say that Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Ashcroft should be charged with domestic crimes.

Of course, Bush proved he was capable of changing his positiion when he was.  Robert Gates and Petraeus were put in to correct the mistakes of their predecessors.  And they fixed some of the problems.  Of course it took him 3-4 years to do it, and there is still US condoned torture, illegal evidence gathering, disregard for foreign civilian deaths, and much more.

Besides, Saddam tried to kill his pappy.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.