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The_God_of_War said:
It's a damn shame to see the PS3 flopping so terribly in Japan.

I don't know if it's flopping. More like failing.

SCEJ is a master of it's own destiny. We've seen this entire generation that you HAVE to have solid games release on a semi-regular basis to sustain sales. Even the Wii sees slumps if it fails to launch decent software titles on a given week.

The 360 and PSP proved the inverse: If you have a few good releases back-to-back, it doesn't matter how poorly your doing, as you can turn the tide.

Now the question is if Sony feels that Japan is a big enough market to focus on improving it's stakes in. Europe is doing great for SCE - Far better than the US or Japan at the moment, so they may focus efforts on somewhere they have a fighting chance at.

But, should they focus their efforts in Japan...One would assume they could 'turn it around'.

8-10m consoles by the end of the PS3's lifespan is do-able in Japan IF they began to secure more Japanese exclusives. 77,000 consoles on MGS4 week proves that it can be done.


Otherwise: Good numbers for ToV just below 150k. Always great to see updates from Famitsu monthly.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.