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OH easily Game Informer. I don't think anything else even comes close haha. I mean they give it no previews or big stories and if it does get that its always negative. And they only review games that are big franchises well and the rest get shut down. I mean Game Informer is easily the most biased towards Wii and Ninty in general. Have been since the days of the GC haha. I mean this isn't even a competition.

Otherwise sits or magazines, like Kotaku do it blatantly as well but nothing is as blatant as Game Informer. I'd say most of the media sites are actually very very respective towards the Wii and generally like the console. Same with most community forums. I mean of course you have your fanboys but if people respect their opinions then the problem is on you not the fanboys. But Game Informer there is no median or middle ground.