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Very good review, thorough and honest, great to see. You put the only other review I've read (the infamous IGN review) to shame. I think you've managed to see the depth of the game a lot clearer than people getting paid good money for understanding games, good job.

I am just a couple of lessons and a monstrous jam sessions into this 'game', but it's easy to see that the criticism of this game being shallow are based on not understanding the game itself. This game will prove to be immensely deep, even if the game had only twinkle twinkle little star, you could spend forever perfection your skills on the different instruments, and developing complicated arrangements.

The IGN review made fun of the song selection, but I find the selection of songs perfect, and I have only played a few of the songs so far, trying to improve my skills with simple melodies that I know very well is very rewarding and a perfect entry point into learning the game.

This game is about understanding and creating music, it can't be compared to Guitar Hero etc. as the experience is much more challenging and require a different set of skills and interests. For what it does, the game is absolutely brilliant and will not only provide massive amounts of fun, but it also teaches how to understand music. I absolutely love it!