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Munkeh111 said:
DaSimkin said:
Munkeh111 said:
@ dasimkin, because they run the servers for the games, and it costs to keep them going. I think Sony makes the devs run their own servers


They make money off the servers selling games.  Do they really need to double dip? And don't they host the servers on their own software anyhow?  Does it really cost them all that much?

And nintendo doesn't charge either.  Not that nintendos online experience is that great, but it is usable and it is still free.


Now they do offer Netflix too. I dont think they should really do it, but they do have some justification for doing it (I am only a silver member)

You shouldn't have to pay a monthly fee to rent movies either.

If block buster told me i had to pay an monthly/annual fee for the priviledge of being their customer I would not do so.

Now if the fee was for x rentals per month.. i'd consider it.  But how many good movies come out per month to justify this?  I'd rather pay for what i want.  than pay and then hope there will be stuff i want.  Of course this is personal preference, why not give us the choice?

Btw, does anyone pay to download drm infected movies these days?  Have you not heard of ??


PSN ID: TheSimkin

GamerTag: TheSimkin

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