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So many responses piled in while I was asleep! But I'm glad I've made an impression on people. I encourage other reviewers to show such integrity and list their credentials, an unflinching admission of how good or bad they really are at a game, and a careful analayis of why things worked that way for them and how things will probably work out for others. It's a lot more useful than just some "out of 10" scale, if you ask me. Sure it takes longer, but the end product is so much more useful.

Dazkerieh: You can in fact record Balance Board drumset performances just like any other. The Drum Mode Jam Session mode just forces you to use a drum kit (obviously).

Garcian Smith: I suspect that a great deal of the hate towards Wii Music thus far has been due to a failure to acknowledge the learning curve. If you go into the experience with little to nothing and expect little to nothing, that's exactly what you get. But if you're of a mind to improve yourself, you can and almost certainly will find a way.

Wii_R2_Hardware: Yes, the Wii really is something. It can be something great or something terrible, all depending on what goes into it, from either end. That kind of power over games is definitely a change.

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.