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ultimate_123 said:

With the way that nintendo has been treating its fans I'd say it is fanboyish to consider that the wii has no games, but theres hardly been any great 3rd party support and second half of 08 has been pretty bland from ninty.


in any case it's still fairly hypocritical to call fanboys out for talking nonsense about PS3 then turn around and say the same nonsense about Wii.

i could explain what's going on with Wii's library; the reason it's not as good as it could be; how it's actually going to get better. but anyone with half a brain (and actually uses it logically) can figure it out. so i'll give everyone benifit of doubt and let them work it out.

all that needs to be known is that, on a general basis, Wii has just as many enjoyable games as PS3 and 360. it's the individual's tastes that decide if there are enough games for them on each platform.

if you are going to say generally that PS3 has many enjoyable games, then the same must be said for all consoles.