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Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
ClaudeLv250 said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
ClaudeLv250 said:


Versus will probably sell like FFX-2 (in relation to X): over a million, possibly the higher end, but it won't pass 2 million without luck and legs. And considering how cheap FFX-2 was to make, that's not really a good thing with lower sales expectations.

FFXIII will probably do somewhere in the high 2 millions/low 3 million. I think that entirely depends on the install base and how many people willing to pick up a PS3 just for FFXIII, and this will effect Versus in that it will msot likely do 50-60% of what FFXIII did.

Either way, there's no chance in hell both combined will 10 million in Japan.


 Comparing Versus XIII to X-2? FAIL!

You're right.

X-2 will probably be better than Versus once everything is said and done.



Im putting that in my sig its so damn funny lol. then when it gets a 10 from like 20 trillion gaming sites ima laugh my arse off. :P


Whatever helps you sleep at night. X-2 will still most likely be the better game.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"