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johnsobas said:
Jo21 said:
gebx said:
Jo21 said:
Spankey said:
mrstickball said:
FJ-Warez said:
johnsobas said:
the numbers we have don't back it up, 360 is constantly outselling PS3 WW. The only reason might be that companies are getting more revenue from europe than the US because the games are more expensive.(revenue does not equal profit).




VGC is at odds with the article by a long shot. According to VGC data, the X360 has sold just under 63 million software units this year versus 46.8 million software units for the PS3.

So someone is off by quite a bit. Take your pick.


An interesting fact using your numbers:

360 attach rate = 63million software/21.7 million hardware = 2.90322

PS3 attach rate = 46.8 million software/16.15 million hardware = 2.89783

very close if you ask me....even closer if you use an actual number rather than "just under 63 million software units"




yeah but everyone knows that 10 million 360's have RRoD'ed and been thrown in the garbage so...

360 attach rate = 63million software/11.7 million hardware = 5.3846


On Topic - Read Patchers comments on these latest articles, he explains why the discrenpencies.


what a good spin!

its maths... find a way to compete against the argument, find better reliable software vs hardware sales.

the point was ps3 with smaller userbase have a very close attach rate of the  360, it he made a esplendid work doing so.


If 360 has a bigger userbase, the same attach rate and is outselling the PS3 there is no need to spin anything.  What matters is overall sales, anything else is only about future potential sales.


the problem here is that:

1) its talking about revenue not profit

2) its not including just multiplatform games


what people are really looking for here is third party multiplatform attach rates, but thats not what they are seeing.  


my pillars of gaming: kh, naughty dog, insomniac, ssb, gow, ff

i officially boycott boycotts.  crap.