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^^ yes, on a computer screen, when you are sitting 24in away from it. When I'm sitting 2m away from my tv, the resolution is less apparent, but things like lighting effects and shader quality are more apparent. The human eye has a finite resolution, which for colour is highest at the centre of the retina and drops off rapidly once past 20 degree from centre, and black and white is ok front on, highest at 20 degree from centre and then drops off more slowly as you go outward from there. Colour is also around 1/4 the res of B&W. So if my tv is 42in say, and I'm sitting 2m away from it, then the screen will take up about 28 degrees of my FOV. Now if my eye has X resolution in each dimension, then the tv screen is only taking up 28/120 degrees times X resolution, or a lot less than your total resolution of your eye.

So a 14% reduction in resolution in that situation will become unnoticeable very quickly. Its still 14%, but the eye's ability to discern the difference, especially once the image is scaled to a HD res, will be negligible. Lighting and shading however, won't be.