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akuma587 said:
gomezc said:
akuma587 said:
Did you ever think that maybe Iran doesn't like us BECAUSE we do stuff like this in THEIR part of the world?

Sure, but they never liked us, nor the idea of a true democracy to begin with...or the existance of Israel.  I kind of wish everyone got their way before: the US pulling out of Iraq too soon just so Iran can sweep in and exert their influence when they collapse into civil war, further dividing the middle east more so than it already is. 

I can understand how people can feel offended everytime the US breaks border to commit to operation but I hate to say it, diplomacy doesn't always work.  Sometimes these guys need a little "push".


Did we always like them and their system of government?  Did we always like Islam as a religion?  I fail to see how them "not always liking us" gives us permission to invade foreign countries.

Was Hitler entitled to just roll into Poland and take over?


This is not about them "liking" us or not or us "not liking" them.  It is more than obvious that we are fighting a proxy civil war with Iran through Iraq, with them supporting insurgents via money and equipment. 

Hitler wanted to exterminate Jews and conquer Europe to make it "Perfect"...I don't see how this relates to the subject.