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I believe the scariest thing out there, for Obama is that people still (even people who are voting for him, though a small percent) believe he's Muslim (not that it's bad but there has been a negative portrayal overall). I think some people really believe he works with terrorists and don't put into consider the context of this tangential relationship. If Obama wins, I doubt that will put a stop to this kind of thing. Has anyone else seen the English Al Jazeera questions at an Ohio McCain-Palin rally? Although the people in it just seemed uninformed, it seems like it would take someone who is overlyzealous to do something like this. Shit, even Reagan got shot (blame Scorcese). Anyway what do you all think? This is obviously fringe behavior and I'm sure the media sensationalized it, but do you think this will happen again if Obam becomes president?

And if he is assassinated as halogamer suggests would this create a huge schism in America?


Edit: Oh and rubang, the best part is they said theyd be wearing white tuxes with white top hats. WTF