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ZenfoldorVGI said:
konnichiwa said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
More on point, Fallout 3 just got a 9.6 from IGN.... :P

So the game is even better than Oblivion =p.


Hate it for haters:

IGN Ratings for Fallout 3 (X360)
out of 10 click here for ratings guide
9.5 Presentation
The atmosphere and style are everything you could ask for and more. A few bugs and camera issues keep things from perfection.
9.0 Graphics
The landscapes are wonderful. The character models and animations could be a lot better.
9.5 Sound
Excellent voice acting and a soundtrack that completely fits the game's mood. The sound effects aren't bad either.
10 Gameplay
A rare combination of excellent combat and deep role-playing.
9.5 Lasting Appeal
A more focused experience than much of what Bethesda has created in the past that begs to be played for hours and hours. This is one game you won't soon forget.
(out of 10 / not an average)


 Awesome,  the only thing so far that needs to convince me is that slow shoot system.