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Aiemond said:
halogamer1989 said:
steven787 said:
At least it's with their own money, and not with National Comitee funds... zinga!

He utilized DNC money--count on it. Why spend out of your own wallet when a PAC can pay for you?



The whole 150k for clothes argument is stupid, but sadly it gets ratings. I mean seriously, this has nothing to do with the issues. Its a waste of time. I don't think it is sexist though, don't forget the media hooplah about Edwards $400 haircut.

The problem was that Palin should not have said anything about it in her stump speech in FL. This gave the media the chance to extend this story. Any day that McCain does not have a good win on a news cycle is a day wasted.

Agreed the media should cover the issues instead of gossip.  If I wanted that shit I'd pick up the National Inquirer.