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akuma587 said:
halogamer1989 said:

Syria is a doorway to Iraq for jihadists.  If Syria is unable at the time to take out their enemies than the U.S. will by any means necessary.  Diplomacy 101 will fix any "we going to bomb the shit out of you for attacking our border cities" mentality.  Btw, the US is engaged in a global war, not just Iraq and Afghanistan.  We had/have forces in Pakistan, Lebanon, the Philippines, support and spec ops in Indonesia and Somalia as well as probably some SEALS in the Algerian front, and mass counter-intel and black ops inside Iran.


America isn't Team America.  We just can't go into any country we want and do whatever we want even if we have a good reason. 

What if Canada or Mexico invaded parts of our country to pursue criminals or some other group?  Would you be cool with that?


They have and yes I am cool with it if they are tracking criminals or possibly terrorists per DHS protocols.  In regard to sovereignty, the UN has no mandate over the US except for peace talks which are pointless diplomatic bickering acts and w/o the US it would fall apart.