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I am taking the prolonged path. I am basically polishing off the content in each area before I move forward. I am over twenty five hours into the game at this point, and have yet to move beyond the second card. I have practically purchased all the property available to me in the second and third town. Have married twice. Have one child. Have obtained paragon. Receive over seven thousand gold on my investments per turn. Have used potions to radically upgrade my character. Have found over fifty treasures. Have done a dozen or so side quests. Mastered two professions. I am also flush with items and equipment.

I would say this game is going to clock me well over a hundred hours, because I am not rushing, and am just enjoying myself thoroughly. Each area has a lot to offer, and there are a lot of little activities to micro manage. Has anyone else noticed the great care given to the side quests they are almost worthy of main quest status.

Anyone just rushing through this game is missing out on so much fun its almost tragic. Thus far the height of depression and hilarity for me has been playing the female character. I thought the whole pregnancy angle would be a hilarious fiasco. I was imagining labor striking her in the middle of a dungeon. Alas its a black scene to baby. On the upside however is lesbian relationships. Can you imagine the conservative media did not catch light of this. Your able to have same sex marriages.