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vlad321 said:
cool48 said:

I've been hearing so much hype about Valve's upcomming game Left 4 Dead and I can't seem to understand why.

I've tried watching dozens of gameplay videos, trailers, interviews etc.. and I can't see what is so good about this game.
The one thing I find cool is the online co-op but still Resistance 2(which I will be getting) will have co-op with 8 players + a single player campaign and a whole lot of competitive modes.

Maybe it's just because I find that Valve's games have been really overrated (except for CSS and Portal). I've been really trying to get back into PC gaming since I got my PS3 but up to now the only game that interests me is Crysis Warhead.

So why is Lef 4 Dead so highly anticipated? Is it because it's another Valve game? Is it because of the online co-op?

Because up to now I can't really find anything that interesting about the game.


I stopped reading after that. You obviously can't tell a good game from a bad one and an innovative one from one that isn't. Sorry for the perosonal attacks but it's true.


Don't get me wrong, I never said the games were bad I'm just not sure they deserved compliments like: "The best game ever made"

I just found that I had to push myself to keep playing Half Life and Half Life 2 because after a while I got kinda annoyed and bored at the games. Now I'm not saying that they are bad games just that there are other games that I enjoyed playing a lot more.