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The media, MSNBC, Fox, CNN, the Radio talkshows everyone keep implying that black people are voting for Obama because he's black.

It's not so much that he's black, it how his candidacy has proven how certain people (black and white) still haven't gotten over race. Obama has been treated like a criminal, un-American, or less than human by "respectable" people on both sides.

I was a Hillary supporter 5 months ago, and I couldn't believe the things that she, Bill, or her supporters would say and, more so, how they say it. They always let the sentence trail off, begging the question. Thinking they can lead the audience into a conclusion, that they won't have to say.

Then McCain does it and pushed it so hard, that now he has revealed an ugly side of the American Right. By not standing up to Neocons, religious conservatives, and now the racist radical right McCain has made himself lose all the appeal he had to independents, and centrist Dems and Reps.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.