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Yeah, I see it as a steady never ending stream. By the time the insanity of the season is over with LBP, Deadspace (which I'm playing through now, and loving it to death), Valkyria Chronicles, Resistance 2, Fallout 3, Tales of Symphonia 2, and probably another game or two that I've forgotten about I have waaaay too much to play in the next couple of months. I'll get a slight reprieve to play through these in December and January, but then it's right back at it with Killzone 2. It's just too much gaming if such a thing exists.

But reading this just wets my appetite for the game that much more, the class system sound really deep and awesome.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.