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makingmusic476 said:
Mirson said:
That looked amazing, but I seriously doubt the game is going to be good. GG aren't good developers.


Are people still pulling this fucking "kz1 sucked, so kz2 will suck" card? Even after all we've seen?  All the previews we've read?  All the gameplay impressions to be had?

A couple of points for you to think about:

1. Killzone was a good game, marred by technical glitches. Killzone Liberation was a great game.

2. Since the release of both, Sony has purchased Geurrilla Games, and beefed up their team size, while giving them a ginormous budget and providing assistance from other internal development teams (all of Sony's teams work together in some fashion).  The Geurrilla Games of today is hardly the Geurrilla Games of four years ago.

3. When was the last time an internally developed Sony game was bad?

4. Have you even played the game!?  I think not.


Shellshock was also bad, IMO, and it was developed by GG. Killzone Liberation was okay, and it wasn't an FPS.