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Hyams said:
Awsome. Truly, truly awsome.

And to the people saying there's no colour: I dunno about everyone else, but I'm seeing plenty of colour in there. It's just that the game uses a lot a dark, muted colours. For example, there's a whole loads of dark-green in a large number of parts of the video. Not to mention all the glowing orange everywhere.

I really do love the art direction, and I think the dark colour scheme really lends itself to the game's beauty.


Chances are, it will be similar to the first Killzone.  The first Killzone had pleny of varied environments.

You started off here:

Then went here:

Then here:






And finally here (at least I think this is a screen of the Orbital Station - they seem to be hard to come by):

Granted, Helghan may not sport such a wide variety of environments, given it's harsh atmosphere.  Guerrilla likes throwing in plenty of environments, though.