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My biggest complain is that it felt too empty. Sure there was lots of islands... But nothing on them. Where are the crowds and the big towns? The sailing, while fun at first, becomes a chore, even with the ballad of Gales. I feel like they could have put something more interesting out there than 75% ocean and 25% tiny empty islands.

The music was great but some of them felt too quiet. Like the boss battle music... Previous Zelda games made me nervous and the music had a very unsettling feel to it. Maybe if they would have put more percussions and occasional loud sounds it would make it more alert to danger, more stressing.

The Triforce quest was really boring. I also wish they could have put more dungeons, because I found them enjoyable (probably the most fun part of the game).

While I quite like cel-shading, I'm not a fan of "head's bigger than body and tiny hands/feet" character models. If they were more proportionate, it wouldn't have bothered me.

Some characters in the game were great. I really liked the King, Ganondorf and Zelda. I really didn't expect some things about them... The others all had their own charm too, though, nothing will beat MM's NPCs.

Story-wise, it was nothing really that special. People who played Zelda since the very first one know what I'm talking about.

Anyway, that's what I think of WW. I really don't get what's so special about it other than different graphics. It left a plain, not disgusting though, taste in my mouth. It's a good game, but not so great Zelda, imo, it could have been MUCH better.