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Honestly... it will be hard to accomplish that for the democrats. And honestly, with how Lieberman has been, its hard to really pen him as either right now as he likes to saddle mostly with the Dems, but sometimes will come out with the republicans.

Even, predicts that the Dems will end up with about 56 total seats, including the independents as democrats since they have historically have sided with the dems. Still not enough for a "super majority", but enough to pass many things through.

Am I afraid of a "liberal" supermajority? Not at all. Far less afraid then if it were a "Conservative" supermajority.

I wish that we could dismantle the two parties we currently have, or at least bring up some viable parties that can compete with the big 2 parties here. So many assume that you are either a republican or a democrat, but many are independents, or a part of some small time 3rd party. One thing I want this election to do, is to shake up our 2 party system and systematically dismantle those who claim to be a republican/democrat, when their party hasn't reflected their ideologies completely for many years. If we can move past this 2 party system, we could finally see congress do things for the good of the people.

Oh, and also get rid of lobbyists.... Completely.


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My pokemon brings all the nerds to the yard. And they're like, "You wanna trade cards?" Damn right, I wanna trade cards. I'll trade this, but not my charizard.