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blunty51 said:

So, there are a lot of people that give WW highest praise. I must say, I do not understand why, and I need some enlightening (or beating). Blasphemy, I shall smite thee in the name of Din.

For me, this was the first Zelda game that truly disappointed.

The one thing it had going for it was the graphics; it was beautiful and seemless. Also, the combat was decent. Definately agreed, this is the most beautiful game I own (I don't own Okami)

However, gripes:

- Having to change the direction of the wind a lot of the time became tedious (even though you can effectively head 3 directions with one direction of the wind.) Can't say I found that tedious it takes seconds to change the wind, I specifically went sailing instead of using the hurricanes because I loved it, but it's not too long into the game you can get the hurricane warp so for those who didn't like the sailing you an use that, the only problem island was the Fortress because it is over 2 squares away from the nearest accessible warp.

- Very simplistic dungeons. It was mainly kill all the enemies in the room to progress forward. nothing interesting. Which game were you playing, the general dungeon mechanics seems the same as in OoT and TP to me.

- finding spoils......must I read the literature everytime I pick one up (the manyyyy times)?? Why can't i just skip through the text? For some reason I noticed this a lot more in Twilight Princess... every time you open an old game you have to read the "found..." text for the smaller rupees again for some reason?!?... however I agree, I wish they could be skipped easier

- Many small islands are, to me, just capping out on making a sprawling adventure. There were just a few islands that had any kind of size whatsoever, but the majority of the game are just these little rocks where u just do one lil task. I know it's the SEA but after making me sail for some fairly long periods i want to be rewarded a bit better than that. I loved this aspect of it, sailing up to a tin little island with 1 inhabitant, finding out all I can and moving on.

- Pictures. Come on, it is an extremely tedious task to take a pic of everything in the game to get all the statues. This made me give up this game forever. Again, I liked this bit, I did wish there was a slightly larger film in the camera as 3 pictures at once is annoying, but at least this sidequest has a decent reward in the great information library that is The Nintendo Gallery.... I'll tell you what was tedious, finding the effing golden skulltula in OoT, I wasn't given any significant motivation to complete this dull task.

- Wasted space. Many parts of this game are just there for traversing and serve no other purpose. I do enough traversing in the waters. With the little land you have, please hold my interest by doing something more with it instead of just walking from here to there. This can be said of all games except perhaps Mario Galaxy, most games are made up of vast walking intersected by short periods of action.... What was in Hyrule field that made it any better than this, why the hell is Lon Lon Ranch so huge, what's the deal with the bit between Castle town and Hyrule Castle (OoT) where all you do is walk from here to there.

- Enemies knocked to the ground. It's just another waste of time. Many time i just have to beat one enemy and move on, but then I hit it once, and it falls. I will now have to stare and wait till it gets up before i finish it off. I don't understand this one, you mean inability to attack an enemy that you stunned to the ground? because that didn't happen much in WW for me, most stunned enemies stay standing and you can still attack them. (Moblins and Bokoblins sway on the spot with stars around their heads) This is something I noticed in TP but not in WW, because as a wolf it seems commonplace that I would knock somone to the ground with an "A button" attack, then had to wait till they got up again.

You know, individually these problems are not that bad but they have all culminated to a slighty uglier head.

Don't get me wrong this was a good game but I can see almost all Zelda games being better, some by a very wide margin.

Why is this game, in your opinion, the best Zelda yet? If you say graphics only, and you are a nintendo 'fan' or 'fanboy' or whatever, then umm, you know, the word hypocrite comes to mind. Not really given that most Nintendo fans argument is against excessive realism that doesn't in fact make a game look more interesting, but rather the opposite.

Windwaker >> Twilight Princess > OoT

Unfortunately I still haven't played Majora's Mask, but my guess by it's oddness and style is I would rate it up with, or higher than Windwaker, but only if I had played it in it's day.

For the love of Nayru, please put Majora's Mask on the Virtual Console!