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I'd also say that cherry picking is saying that Carnival Games' buyers aren't in the majority when CG has sold more copies than every other 3rd party game outside of Guitar Hero 3 and Sonic & Mario at the Olympic games.

"Carnival Games buyers" can't be in the majority unless it outsells all the other 3rd party games combined. Guess what? It didn't.

Those are a few 3rd party games I looked at. In almost every example, US and PAL sales vastly outstripped Japanese sales.

...are you serious? We Ski? Nights Wii? Soulcalibur Legends? You can't be serious? No, you can't be, this is clearly a joke argument. Are you trying to tell me that these games which are infamous on the internet, coupled with a few ports, were supposed to sell well? These are your definition of "good games"? You can't mean it, because you'd be admitting that you have no idea what you're talking about. And Red Steel ROFFLE! It's nice to know that you consider it in the same league as Resistance, even though that game isn't 3rd party.

And I'd love to go back to see how you'd like to argue Zack & Wiki's sales on the Wii. Last I checked, it was a phenominal game that was supposed to do real well in Japan, and managed decent numbers in the US.

Trestes - I'd love to know how I'm being biased when I'm still proving a point I see as being valid.

The Wii is doing phenomenally. Just not with 3rd party sales. That's what I see. Attack me all you want, but that's what I see.

I guess we *can* wait another year or two to see how 3rd parties do, but we've been playing that "wait for a good 3rd party game" for 2 years now. How much longer do we need to wait? We've already seen critical success with Guitar Hero 3, Carnival Games, and the Resident Evil series - but all thanks to Western sales, which is my point. Japan has been non-existent in terms of moving 3rd party games. The West has been entirely different, where we've seen multiple million sellers. How can you debate that point? GH3 has sold 3m+ copies in the US for the Wii, yet in Japan nothing is even at 500k yet. Shouldn't that speak volumes as to how the market is for the Wii in Japan?

And these are the best signs that your argument is falling apart.

You're only proving a point that's valid in your own mind. I've noticed that. You have no concept of reality. Or rather, you have no concept of actuality, and take pieces and details from reality and combine them with your owns ideas to reach conclusions that, since they are not conceived in reality, have no impact on anything and are utlimately flawed.

The perfect example is using Guitar Hero sales in the west to make a statement about the east. There is no Guitar Hero equivalent in sales on the Wii in Japan. I cannot think of a single multiplatform franchise that could be released in Japan and sell over a million on each platform. The only conclusion you can make with such a 'comparison' is that a game like that simply doesn't exist in Japan. Now, a normal person would realize that and not make the statement because it is flawed and is superfluous because it reflects no form of reality regarding that situation. Instead, you use absence the of evidence to try to make a point that isn't true: because there is no game on the Wii selling like Guitar Hero, Wii 3rd party sales are struggling. In reality, there is no Guitar Hero equivalent seller on the Wii in Japan because a game with that history of sales has yet to be released on the Wii. That is a truth. That is the truth.

Another example of this little mind game you play is Soulcalibur Legends. Soulcalibur IV struggled to crack 100k on the PS3, which has nearly 3 million users. Soulcalibur Legends was a critical failure and is a spinoff. The main title is having trouble, so how much was anyone really expecting SCL to sell? Then you omitted little details of reality - there are no JPN sales in the database for SCL, the game wasn't well received, etc. Normal people wouldn't expect much from a title like this, but you go as far as to suggest that it should have been a sales pillar for the Wii. Really? Are you sure about that?

Then we get to Zack & Wiki. First of all, no ever said that it was suppsoed to do really well in Japan. I cannot think of a single point and click adventure game for a console in Japan that sold "really well." Zack & Wiki walked into a dead genre and came out pretty well for itself. Once again, you're making things up in your head to paint a conclusive picture of reality that's simply not true. Using franchises, spinoffs and genres that have no history of phenomenal sales is quite frankly misguided and juvenile. When your best examples of 3rd party support are Wii Ski and a critical failure of a Soulcalibur spinoff, you're reaching too hard and don't have enough to work with. 


My take on Wii 3rd party sales? They sell accordingly. There have only been two major releases on the Wii to date: Dragon Quest Swords and, to a lesser extent, Tales of Symphonia. The next big release is Samurai Warriors 3, and then Monster Hunter 3. Not Tenchu 4. Not Fragile. Samurai Warriors has a history of phenomenal sales, therefore, I expect high sales for it. Similarly, so does Monster Hunter. Tenchu does not have a history of phenomenal sales. Fragile is a new IP. No one in their right mind are expecting FF level sales from them, but I doubt it's going to stop people from pretending that their sales are bad and that the Wii can't push so-and-so 3rd party games despite the fact that it already has.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"