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Dodece said:
I am somewhat disappointed by the lack of economic comprehension present in these forums in regards to console pricing. The facts are paramount the global economy is suffering, and no there is no place immune to global hardship. So do not try to pass the line it has not hit here yet, or will not effect where you live. Does your country export or import goods? Do fellow citizens invest in stock markets, and futures? Do other people in your country use credit during the coarse of doing business? The answer to all of the above is yes.

Effectively when economies suffer a slump the spending threshold of consumers decreases. Effectively the PS3 is actually increasing in price. Whereas before four hundred dollars before taxes was a high, but acceptable price for the console. Four hundred dollars is fast becoming for many a high, and unacceptable price. Especially for an entertainment with far less expensive alternatives.

The problem many enthusiasts are failing to grasp is this. During the holiday season enthusiasts are not purchasing items for themselves. They are purchasing items for others. After all it is one thing to spend four hundred dollars on yourself, and another entirely to spend that much money on a single present for one person. Consumers are simply going to be more thrifty this holiday season, and that is not good for the PS3 or Sony.

The bullish prognosis for the PS3 is just simply unfounded. This economic downturn is not just a blip on the radar the effects are going to be felt for months, or even over a year. This is going to have a lasting impact on the sales of all the consoles, but the PS3 is the console that will suffer the worst. A couple of weeks ago I thought Sony might reduce the price on the console to compensate, but day after day the picture becomes more bleak, and that tells me that Sony probably could not reduce the price no matter how sound an investment it happens to be.

If average consumers want to be thrifty, they will simply avoid video games altogether.

Honestly, video games are a hefty investment even with bundles.

Expect gaming fans to be the majority making video game related purchases this holiday season if average consumers plan to be frugal.

In other words, PS3 enthusiasts will buy the PS3 if available, likewise with the 360 and Wii.