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I am one of the unlucky ones to experience game breaking freezes and bugs. And its not the two bugs discussed above, its more widespread than that and you just have to go to the Lionhead forums to know this problem is quite big and can happen almost anywhere in the game.

On my main character, I clocked in about 6 hours and into Brightwood but no matter what I do after loading the save game, it will freeze after about 1 minute. I tried rebooting countless times, warping to other locations, but to no avail. So my main character is now unplayable. I just tried tonight again and now the game wont even load! Just a blank screen. Awful. I think whoever thought about just one slot for a save file on such a huge RPG should be shot!

So I restarted a new character, and now it freezes about every 15 mins. Although, this is not game breaking, I am frustrated to no end. Its just a HUGEEE shame though because this was shaping up to be one of my favourite games ever.

I am now resigned to wait for a patch, but actually Ill most probably return the disc as the warranty will probably run out by the time Lionhead issues a patch.
