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@Jackson50: Glass-Steagle was one piece in a gigantic puzzle, that economists, historians, and journalists will be unraveling for the next 50 years.

@SSJ12: Sorry, I should have said Orlando. After calling my friend who is a manager at a store, he says it's more like $1.25 over ($8.00+-); and they do pay more here because of a tighter labor market and higher cost of living. They also get a quarterly bonus, and full time get the cheapest health insurance that I've ever heard of and contributions to retirement.

I'm a manager at a Hotel in Florida, my benefits: Single Person Health Insurance for $87 every other week. I get it cheaper on my own. That is all. We supposedly get a hotel discount when we travel, but every time I've tried to get it the other hotels say they are sold out of those rooms. (We say the same thing to them)

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.