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Dogs Rule said:
But why would you want to be karting and sorting dirty clothes in the kitchen. I consider the kitchen to be a clean room and the bathroom to be a less clean room, perfect for doing laundry.

We've had washers and dryers die after their normal lifespan, mostly due to warn drive belts, never rust/electrical shorts problems.

I also just found out about your lack of basements in most European homes. I take them for granted.

Because most European homes were made before electrical driers.... so clothes are dried via a thin cord like thing that hangs between posts in the garden, called a washing line.

The kitchen is often one of the back rooms of the downstairs portion of the house, and is usually the nearest convenient room to the back door, and thus best access to the back garden where the washing line is. (our back door and that of most homes I know leads directly into/out from the kitchen)

In our house there is a clothes basket on the landing (top of the stairs, just outside our bathroom) which we put in dirty clothes, at the end of the week the clothes are taken downstairs to be sorted into whites, delicates, darks and lights. And put into the washing machine one load at a time. (usually dark colours make up 3 loads in my house.. the others usually fit into 1 load) then as each load finishes one of us takes the clothes out in a different washing basket (some might call it an ironing basket) to the washing-line outside to hang the clothes out to dry while the next load of washing goes in. The dried clothes are brought back in, some to be ironed if needed (given the lack of a utility room the best place to iron is in the living room, which is right next to the kitchen) then taken upstairs to wardrobes/cupboards and drawers.

Even when our drying part of our washer-drier still worked, not all clothes are suitable for tumble driers so some (about half of ours) would still need to be hung outside.


Oh, and I am quite sure that the kitchen is the dirtiest room in your house purely because that is where food is prepared, so unless your family are vegitarians the worst of your houses germs and bacteria will be either on your worksurface or in your sink (especially if you ever leave dirty washing up water in your sink)