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Kingdizzii said:
That sounds about right, the first has shown that it sells well but it also has very good legs as well so it might get 4M first month with good legs for the remainder of the year.

If it hits 2M first week it will be barely, the GT franchise which is vastly more popular got 2.5M first week with GT4 and cannot see GeOW 2 getting those kinds of numbers. It will be the best selling shooter though however if anyone has played the Killone 2 beta like me world of mouth will give Killzone 2 huge sales. Add on the huge marketing campaign which Sony are sure to give and the hype surrounding the game Killzone 2 will easily get 5M sales.

In conclusion 2m first week, 4M first month and 7M LTD for GeOW 2 :)

Kz2 5 mill first month? or LTD