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Senlis said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
BeTa77 said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
I don't want to. Bethesda's games are always mediocre.

But... it's... Fallout...

I've got to stay strong and resist temptation.

Bethesdas games are not "mediocre" oblivion was, but obviously you have never played the classic Elder Scroll's, i mean (Arena, Daggerfall, Morrowind)

When did Morrowind become a classic? O.o

Anyway, I have Morrowind and the expansions (Tribunal/Bloodmoon) for the PC. I played it for a little while, got bored, stopped playing it. A couple years later, I came back, downloaded every mod I could that looked fun, and played it again.

The game itself is crap. Utter crap. The story is boring, the characters shallow, the plot is uninteresting, and outside of just exploring and messing around there is almost nothing worthwhile in Morrowind. Also, Learn-By-Doing is the single worst alternative system ever created in the history of video games. I don't want to spend 5 hours hopping up and down to be able to soar through the air. That's not fun. That's not interesting. That's tedium.

The most fun I had was just experimenting with mods and the first time I saw that giant Statue Of Liberty-esqe thing on the coast (Ashura/Asura monument I think it was called). The mods are the only reason I ever bothered to even finish it. That's the thing that made Oblivion crappy too. They kept many of the worst elements of Morrowind, made minor improvements, updated the graphics, and called it a new game. I didn't even want to play Oblivion after it first came out because (like Morrowind) it's mostly garbage without mods.

Bethesda gets a heck of a lot more credit than they deserve for Elder Scrolls games (especially Morrowind) because stupid people enjoy jumping up and down for 5 hours straight while wandering through the drab environments fighting the same 3 enemies over and over.


It seems that Morrowind is one of those games that you either hate it or love it.  A lot of people hate it because of the reasons mentioned above.  A lot of people love it because of the open-endness that other games just didn't seem to offer.  And yes, jumping for hours is tedious.  But it was cool when you could soar thru the air anytime you wanted to.  That character bulding stuff is addictive (and the enemies did not lvl up with you when you did it).


NPC's do not level up with you in Fallout 3!!!