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EPP said:


rocketpig said:
EPP said:
Well, Oblivion wasn't as bad as some people here may say. Of course, it lacked depth, story and characters and the combat was boring (oh god damnit, I hate those goblins. Especially as a highlevel character. They take so many hits!) .. but it entertained me for a pretty long time. Alright, probably just because of the user-made PlugIns.. they were awesome!

As much as I blast Bethesda, this is one aspect they really get right with their games. The mod abilities are fantastic, though completely useless if you own a console, which is how I'm gaming right now.

Ohh, snap! Can't imagine playing Oblivion on a console.

ZenfoldorVGI said:
SleepWaking said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
mtofu said:
whew... i was considering buying this but if it's like oblivion then i'm out.

i read above that it could be played in a mode other than first person... how do you do this? i might try it again if it's possible.


I know you'll probably do this anyway, but I would suggest reading a few reviews once the game comes out, rather than making your decision based on folks assumptions about the game.

it really is like oblivion, though it has some issues taken care off.


Obviously the game is somewhat like Oblivion. It could be a mod of Oblivion.

However, Oblivion's main flaw didn't lie in its engine(and its general flaws, for the record, are heavily overemphasized in this thread) but its lack of immersion.

I don't think that people here realize why they didn't like Oblivion. Listing off bullet point flaws is appliable to everyblabliblubb [...]

Well, if you are right, Fallout 3 should be great. A nice gory package with pitch black humour and a bunch of round characters, I hope.


yes it is gory, humour mmm they tried but it is not really close to the first fallouts, some characters are interesthing this time, but not all.