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Metal Gear Solid 3 - Debriefing: The song playing during the end of the game, which brings back all the emotion. I'm feeling like a different person since I finished that game.

No More Heroes - Steel Python: The best boss song ever, this one matches the epic fight with Dr. Peace so well it's almost impossible.

The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess - Queen Rutela: This is the song playing when Queen Rutela's spirit guides you to the young prince. It gave me the shivers because it reminded me of Ocarina, one of the best games of all time, but better.

Devil May Cry 3 - Devils Never Cry: Suits the harsh fighting perfectly, and is a real pumping song overall.

Atonement - Entire OST: There's not just one song that stands out on the soundtrack to this awesome picture. They all do. Some of the most touching, emotional music I've ever heard.

The Ring - The Well: The movie's theme just strikes the atmosphere so well: sad, beautiful, but creepy.

There Will Be Blood - Convergence: Chaos turned into music. You have to listen to understand.

Tales of Symphonia - Staff Roll: One of the few games that took me upon an emotional journey, and this song was the perfect way to cap it all off. I'm not a big fan of the soundtrack overall (sorry Soriku) because it's always over the top, but this song just hit the spot perfectly.

There's many more that don't come to mind right now. And I agree with you: the soundtrack and background music can really make or break a movie/game/show.

I drink your milkshake.